Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Lil Thug Princess:

Lil Thug Princess
Siera Viper (cece)
Aug 4th 2015, 17:43


Hair-Tableau Vivant~Gloster

Teeth-Whatever~Teeth 2.0 

Computer-See this new pc its so cute. It could be yours too.Take yourself down to fairytale forever (opens 7th august) and play this Grounded gacha. There are 9 commons and 1 rare (which is this strawberry ice one) to collect.

Shirt-This was custom made for me by my sister.See my name on it? awesome aint it. Anyway shes the store owner of Buttercup go check out her awesome clothes!

Sneakers-Flite-Depraved Hightops

Skin-Mother Goose's-Bomi II(A)

Body-Cute Bytes-Toddledoo-Babygirl

Shape- my own (custom)

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